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Business Continuation General Partnership Buy Sell

Buy-sell agreements are frequently funded with life insurance, assuring that if an owner dies, the surviving family has a buyer with the cash to pay a fair price. Whether it's as stock redemption or cross-purchase agreement, it will help remaining owners retain control of the business.

10 Reasons Employers Should Offer Long-Term Care

Arm yourself with 10 reasons why a business owner should be offering long-term care coverage for their employees. From raising productivity, to streamlined applications and payroll deductions, the message is the same: Employees need LTC coverage and offering it is easy.

Identifying LTC Opportunities: High-Net-Worth Clients

All the money in the world can’t buy good health. Your wealthiest clients have the same likelihood of needing extended health care as everyone else – and they know it. Don’t rule out these clients because you mistakenly think they can – or want to – self-insure for long-term care.

Identifying LTC Opportunities: Clients in their 60s

Health care, including long-term care, is a regular topic of conversation for people in their 60s. It comes up around the dinner table. And it needs to come up in your planning conversations. But these clients don’t just need talk – they need action. Help them create an LTC plan.

Identifying LTC Opportunities: Clients in their 50s

This is the sweet spot for LTC sales. Clients in their mid-50s are the most likely to purchase long-term care insurance because they are still earning income, but need to have a solid picture of how their retirement will look. See what to look for so you don’t miss a window of opportunity.

Identifying LTC Opportunities: Clients in their 40s

By planning “early” for long-term care, your clients can potentially save money – and make underwriting easier. Good prospects may have experienced a family member who needed care – or they are high-income earners who want to take a future LTC concern off their shoulders.

Real Benefits of Indexed Annuities

In years when the S&P 500® Index is negative, fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) can be a client's hardest-working asset. Supported by a minimum guarantee, FIAs provide an opportunity to accumulate value on the appreciation of the S&P, without losing premium when the S&P was negative.

Institutionally Priced Corporate Owned Life Insurance

Many things keep business owners up at night, including taxation and protecting against the loss of key employees. Corporate-owned life insurance (COLI) can help with both. In this solution, we'll look at COLI as an institutionally priced cash value life insurance product.

Funding Permanent Insurance with an Immediate Annuity

Here's a funding solution for clients who seek the protection of permanent life insurance, with the added benefits of an indexed universal life. Using a SPIA to fund the IUL, they can potentially increase death benefits while maximizing cash value for withdrawal opportunities.

Income Access Comparison - CDs vs Annuities

For clients who rely on interest from CDs for retirement income, annuities may provide a better alternative. A single premium immediate annuity (SPIA) with a full return of premium (ROP) rider can generate significantly more annual lifetime income. In this example, 6x higher!

Maximizing a Grandparent's Legacy without Underwriting

In legacy planning, simply leaving money to a grandchild in a will is leaving money on the table. Instead, depositing money into a joint and survivor single premium immediate annuity (SPIA) with a cost of living adjustment rider can provide guaranteed income for life.

Bank Teller Cheatsheet - Questions for Annuity Sales

Don't miss a potential sale! As a bank teller, it can be hard to know what to say to clients to get a referral for retail bankers. This series of topics helps you find key indicators in potential clients, with an easy reference sheet on questions to start the planning process.