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Our concept library is primarily intended for financial professional use only and is not to be reproduced or shown to clients. For pieces to use with your customers, check out the client-approved category. Client-facing pieces are subject to your broker-dealer review.

Life Insurance Retirement Planning for High Net Worth

Many high-net-worth individuals have maxed out their qualified plan contributions, leaving a shortfall compared retirement income needs. Using after-tax dollars to fund a tax-efficient life insurance policy can mimic the funding and structure of a Roth and grow cash value tax-deferred.

Business Continuation General Partnership

As businesses grow, existing plans may be patched together inefficiently. In this case, three business owners operating with an entity purchase buy-sell agreement had a total of nine term policies. See how they reworked the partnership with cash accumulation life insurance.

Client Guide to Key Employee Retention

This a client-facing overview of ways a business owner can retain key employees. Moving from simple to complex, it covers endorsement split dollar, executive bonus with an option to add restriction and defined contribution supplemental retirement plan.

Business Owner Key Employee Retention

Three plans. One goal: help a business owner retain key employees. Moving from simple to more complex, these plans include and an endorsement split dollar plan, executive bonus plan with option to add restriction and defined contribution supplemental retirement plan.

Bequests vs Life Insurance

When someone plans to leave a charitable legacy, the typical approach is to include a bequest in the will. Instead, try using life insurance. Have the charitable organization purchase life insurance on the life of the donor or name the charity as beneficiary of an existing policy.

Charitable Lead Trusts

A charitable lead trust (CLT) is a “split-interest” trust with both an income and remainder beneficiary. The trust makes distributions to a qualified charity for either a specific term or the life of an individual. Upon death, remaining assets are distributed to the donor’s beneficiaries.


Clients who wish to leave assets to their families should consider IRA Legacy Maximization. To use this strategy, clients must be sure they won't need the IRA for retirement. The owner establishes an individual life insurance trust (ILIT) with distributions to fund the life insurance.

Retirement Planning Questionnaire

Good planning starts with asking the right questions. This workbook will help you stay organized through the retirement planning data gathering process. There is room to record employer information, proposal census data, retirement plan design, goals and related notes.

Business Planning Questionnaire

Good planning starts with asking the right questions. This workbook will help you stay organized through the business planning data gathering process. There is room to record client information such as business valuation and succession plans, executive benefits and retirement plans.

Estate Planning Questionnaire

Good planning starts with asking the right questions. This workbook will help you stay organized through the estate planning data gathering process. There is room to record client information such as current estate plans, objectives, existing insurance policies and other notes.

Key Person Business Protection

Start the conversation to help protect your business owner clients against the loss of a key employee. The business purchases life insurance or disability insurance on a key person and pays all premiums. Upon death or disability, the benefit is paid directly to the business.

Discounted Dollars To Fund Estate Settlement

Even for affluent clients, pre-funding death expenses with discounted dollars remains effective. Life insurance is uniquely able to deliver a specified pool of tax-free liquidity at exactly the time needed to cover final expenses, debt, liquidation, taxes, probate costs and bequests.