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Guide to IRC 101j

It's possible to avoid the taxation of employer-owned life insurance. The general rule is that death benefits paid from a life insurance policy subject to IRC Sec. 101(j) are taxable when received. In order to avoid taxation, clients must qualify for one of several exceptions.

Structuring Life Insurance Policy Ownership

There's no "one size fits all" answer for deciding who should own a life insurance policy that is being used for estate planning purposes. But, these considerations can help you compare beneficiary-owned and trust-owned policies to get the discussion started.

Using a Business to Fund Retirement

Unique businesses need unique plans, which includes creating plans that allow business owners to fund retirement. Use this reference sheet to learn three strategies to monetize a closely held business and the advantages and disadvantages for each approach.

High Face Key Person Coverage

Sometimes it can take a little preparation to help an insurance carrier see the worth of a key person. By understanding what carriers are looking for, it’s possible to justify high face amounts on key person policies. This article will guide you through financial underwriting justification.

Charitable Planning with IRAs Trusts Life Insurance

Clients who are philanthropic often own IRAs or other qualified retirement assets which carry potential tax problems. Naming a charity as the beneficiary of an IRA or including an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) may provide a more tax-efficient wealth preservation plan.

Annuity Max

Although a deferred annuity is great for accumulating retirement funds, it's not an efficient vehicle to transfer wealth. Deferred income may be subject to income or estate taxes at death. Using annuity maximization, assets from the annuity can be repositioned to maximize value.

Using Life Insurance To Offset Estate Tax

Estate planning is an important part of tax diversification, and life insurance can be an effective resource for achieving it. This example illustrates the benefits of the strategy with projected values and client options for coverage.

Executive Carve Out Cheat Sheet

This discussion outline helps establish a need for business owners to create a guaranteed issue life insurance program. Common needs are buy-sell for businesses with a lot of stockholders or members, key person business protection or key employee benefit packages.

AFR Arbitrage

High-net-worth clients who want significant amounts of trust-owned life insurance create potential estate tax exposure. In this case study, the individuals loaned the trust money, with the trustee investing loan proceeds and making annual premium payments on a large policy.

Premium Financing with Income-Focused Plans

Your high-net-worth clients earning attractive returns on their portfolio may be reluctant to liquidate assets to pay for life insurance. But this strategy can be used to substantially reduce out-of-pocket costs for life insurance and increase potential income.

Key Person Protection for Non-Profits

Even more than corporations, non-profits rely on their key employees to fulfill their vision. A combination of life insurance and disability insurance can ensure that non-profits continue to succeed even if a key employee is no longer able to work due to disability or death.

Executive and Professional Life Insurance Restoration Plan

While company-paid group-term life insurance is beneficial, it is not equally valuable to each employee. Review this sample restoration plan to learn how to make high-income earners whole by providing them additional individual coverage.