We give you solutions in a soundbite. These short videos will help you break down complex topics into ideas simple enough that you can start a piece of the conversation – with your clients or our team. Browse the library then contact us to go deeper on how to apply an insurance solution to your business.

Tim 04282022 NoTitle
Disability Insurance
Proactively Having the DI Conversation
When you proactively have the conversation with your clients to protect their income, you help ensure that, should an event occur, they can focus on getting better instead of worrying about how to pay the bills. Let us help you design a sensible, sellable and affordable solution for your clients.
3 minutes
Erp 04282022 NoTitle
Advanced Planning
Key to Success with Employee Retention Planning
Learn about the four Rs of key non-owner employee planning, understand if your client’s case is eligible for guaranteed issue underwriting and address nonqualified insurance-backed retirement plans for business owners. All to ensure success and reward for loyalty, while also creating employee retention.
2 minutes
Steve 04282022 NoTitle
Long-Term Care
The Biggest Challenge You Face, Confronted
Long-term care can be the most challenging — and possibly uncomfortable – discussion you have with your clients. However, with Ash, this is made simple — from how to begin the conversation and best options to putting a plan in place with the best solution.
2 minutes
Life Insurance
Recommend with Confidence using Ash Express
Welcome to Ash Express. A proven platform that uses placement probability and underwriting data to drive better term life insurance outcomes. Now you can make an informed quoting decision to give your client better odds of getting the coverage they need.
2 minutes
Life Insurance
Choose Your Underwriting Path with Ash Express
Life insurance underwriting has evolved. And while that means better options for your clients, it also makes it complicated. With Ash Express, you can quickly see if your quote is based on instant decision, accelerated underwriting or traditional underwriting.
1 minutes
Life Insurance
Ash Express Won't Let Contracting Slow You Down
With Ash Express, you can see if you have an active selling agreement with the insurance company right next to the quote — before you present it to your clients. Because when you’re ready to move forward, there shouldn’t be anything slowing you down.
1 minutes
Life Insurance
Avoid Repetition with Ash Express
Nobody likes to start over. With the Ash Express dashboard, you can easily pull up a previous quote to modify the options — or even duplicate a pending application to shift to a different carrier. All without re-entering data.
1 minutes
Disability Insurance
Protecting Your Client’s Most Valuable Asset
Income is probably your client's most important asset. From paying the mortgage to planning for college, your client’s income makes it possible. Learning how to protect it now, before they have an accident or injury, is more important now than ever before. We'll show you how.
2 minutes
Disability Insurance
Add DI to Your Client's Priority List
If something is important, you make it a priority and buy it before you need it. So how are you protecting your clients' income? Think disability insurance. You don't have to be an expert in DI to provide value to your clients. We'll help you see it through.
1 minutes
Retirement Solutions
Planning Opportunities Using Social Security Statements
Your client’s Social Security statements can provide a great planning opportunity. Show them the bottom section where it projects the Social Security shortfall at 78% of total benefits — and set an expectation on how to maximize their remaining benefits.
2 minutes
Retirement Solutions
Understanding the Taxation of Social Security
45% of people surveyed do not believe Social Security distributions are taxable, but most of those clients probably do pay taxes on the benefits. You won't be able to eliminate the tax, but you could reduce it during the distribution phase by planning now.
3 minutes
Retirement Solutions
The Benefit of Social Security COLAs
Social Security has a built-in cost of living adjustment (COLA) to increase the benefit over time. What many clients don’t realize is this kicks in even if benefits are deferred, which can greatly increase the total lifetime value of payments. See how the math works out.
3 minutes