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Our concept library is primarily intended for financial professional use only and is not to be reproduced or shown to clients. For pieces to use with your customers, check out the client-approved category. Client-facing pieces are subject to your broker-dealer review.

Wealth Transfer with Estate Equalization

Wealth transfer strategies help ensure your client’s estate will be distributed the way they choose. Yet some of their beneficiaries may be uninterested in the asset, or ill-suited to own it. The solution may be to create an estate equalization plan using life insurance.

Funding a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust with Life Insurance

With a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT), one spouse makes a gift to an irrevocable trust using the gift tax exemption. The SLAT names the other spouse as a current beneficiary, which allows the trustee to distribute funds to the beneficiary spouse during their life.

When Maximum Funding Makes Sense

When your client’s objective is to increase future retirement cash flow, paying the highest possible premium into a cash-accumulating life insurance policy may make sense. However, before you recommend this strategy, make sure your client meets these five criteria.

Why Offer Life Insurance

Protection from the unknown. Financial leverage. Tax efficiency. There's no doubt that life insurance is a good tool for your clients. But it's also good for you and your business. Get the highlights of how selling life insurance can be a simple way to help your business grow.

Nonqualified Annuities for LTC Planning

There’s a good chance you have clients with nonqualified annuities that aren’t part of their retirement income plan. These annuities can be a viable funding option when it comes to creating a long-term care plan. Getting started takes a single, simple question to your client.

Business Funded Retirement Account

Due to contribution limits, successful, high-income business owners are disadvantaged under the rules imposed on qualified plans. A cash value life insurance policy insuring the business owner can serve as a business-funded retirement account to provide tax-deferred growth.

Product-Based Restricted Bonus Plan

A Restricted Bonus Plan is a combination of three planning tools: a Section 162 bonus plan, a restricted endorsement and an employment contract. The combination of these elements creates an attractive benefit for key employees while providing the employer with control.

Leveraging the Positve Performance of Indexed Universal Life

With flexible funding options, uncapped indices and downside protection to eliminate market losses, IUL offers more than just a death benefit. Use this example to discover how to balance growth and protection for your clients through the power of indexing.

Avoiding a Mistake with Sequence of Returns Planning

During the accumulation phase, assets invested in the market can often recover from losses by simply waiting for a market recovery. Losses are not "realized." But at retirement, even a few down-market years can have a dramatic effect on your clients' portfolios.

Term Conversion Overview and Process

If your clients are ready to move from term insurance to a permanent policy, a term conversion might be the answer. This piece show you how to guide your clients through the process.

The Foundation to All Financial Plans

A financial plan has many important pieces, but your client’s ability to earn an income makes everything else possible. People insure their homes, cars and personal property, yet fail to insure the thing that makes it all possible. See how to protect their income with disability insurance.

Key Person Disability for Non-Owner Employees

Businesses rely on people. If someone were unable to perform their role due to illness or injury, would the business continue to run smoothly? The risk of losing a key employee — someone essential to the success of the business — can be reduced through disability insurance.