Is Your Head Spinning Too?

So far, it’s been hard to figure out what to expect this year. The Consumer Price Index is up, the S&P was up and then came down, and with the advent of the Omicron virus, COVID-19 numbers are all over the place. Hello volatility!
One thing that I have learned is that when dealing with the unexpected, it can be hard to get clients to feel comfortable enough to act. It can seem safer, and easier, to sit and wait to see how things shape up. But waiting too long can mean missed opportunities.
So, instead of hoping that things settle down, focus on reassuring your clients. Walk them through the volatility to a strong retirement. There are many ways to do this. Here are a few to get you started from Natalie Kropuenske, Bentley Heese and Steve Shankerman, some of our outstanding retirement income consultants.
Partner With Other Experts
CPAs can be a great source of referrals and increase your client’s confidence in their plan. CPAs don’t want to create a financial plan, just as you aren’t looking to be a tax expert. But both of you know a lot about your clients and should be able to use that knowledge to increase your client’s overall success.
Now is a perfect time to let a CPA know you’re interested in sharing referrals, as they’ll be seeing lots of clients during tax season. Pool your strengths to deliver your clients the best experience available.
Don’t Overlook Annuities
With all the volatility we’ve been talking about, a nice, fixed annuity can be just the thing to make your clients feel safe. If they are worried about all the recent activity in the market, consider setting their minds at ease with guaranteed income. It’s worth a lot to know that they won’t lose that asset, no matter what the market does.
Let Them Know You’re Here
Reach out to your clients and offer to talk through some of the market changes they are most worried about. Whether or not it leads to an appointment, it will strengthen their trust in you and build your relationship. And it can reassure them to know you are on top of the changing industry and help them be more willing to either stick to the plan you’ve already created, or reevaluate what needs to be changed.
As you remind your clients that they aren’t alone in all this craziness, I want to remind you of the exact same thing. You’re not alone either. You have an entire team and a whole slew of resources here to help. Just let one of our retirement income consultants know what you need and they’ll help you get moving.