Too often, income protection quotes do not turn into disability insurance applications. The problem lies in the presentation. But when clients can see the full impact of income loss, they take action. Turn your next DI pitch into a visual story and you'll:

Demonstrate the need

Use data inputs specific to your client's situation to help visualize their income gap.

Mitigate any objections

Show clients a powerful presentation designed to significantly improve your closing percentages.

Elevate your commissions

Motivate clients to move from illustration to application, and watch your business grow exponentially.

Team Working At Computer
Seeing is believing

Overcome your client's optimism bias by showing income protection coverage in a way clients can easily understand.

With client-specific visuals, you'll quickly get clients saying "I never thought of it like that" and move from conversation to action.

Free Trial
Get an Extended Three-Month Trial

No commitment. No credit card. Through Ash's discount, you get a 90-day free trial of the OneProtection software — a $198 value. Plus, as a thank you for your partnership, you'll receive a continued discount of $20 per month off the retail price once your trial ends.

Enter your information below and the Ash team will get you set up on the software!

By submitting this form, you agree that Ash Brokerage will pass your information on to our software partner, OneProtection. You will be given a 90-day trial and we will be in touch with training information for the software.

OneProtection is a third-party, subscription-based software provider. OneProtection is not a brokerage general agency or quoting system, nor are they affiliated with any carriers. Ash Brokerage promotes the use of this software as a complement to our current services and resources.