Selling one disability policy is good. Selling multiple is better.

There's strength in numbers! Writing disability insurance coverage on multiple lives at once can lower the costs for your clients — while maintaining all of the benefits of an individual DI policy. With multi-life coverage for key employees, business owners can retain top talent by making their benefits stronger, and you can generate more revenue from a single opportunity.

Discounted Pricing

Many carriers offer a 10-20% discount off individual rates — and females can receive even more due to gender-neutral pricing

Simplified Underwriting

Guaranteed standard issue DI allows individuals in the group to secure an individual policy with little to no underwriting

Fill a Coverage Gap

Higher-paid employees can overcome the difference between their salary and the cap on group employer coverage

Retain Top Talent

Strengthen the benefits for key employees by recouping a higher percentage of their salary or getting a lenient definition of disability

Get started by gathering key information

Prior to running a multi-life disability quote, the carrier will need this excel spreadsheet filled out with the names, job roles, income and other information for any potential insured. Get a head start by downloading the census (Excel format) now.

Target Market
Find the ideal client for multi-life DI

Do you have business owner clients who match these key characteristics? If so, a multi-life sale may be the perfect opportunity to introduce in your next planning meeting.

Employs five or more at one company
Employees with incomes of $100,000/year or more
Employees who earn large bonuses
Work in technology, banking, engineering, etc.