Building long-term relationships as your trusted retirement resource

I assist advisors in the southern Texas region, providing assistance and education in annuity production. I have more than 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, working with clients and other investment professionals.

Let's talk solutions

See how we can optimize existing assets into a better return or a guaranteed income stream that can’t be outlived.

Let's talk leverage for retirement income

From accumulation to decumulation, wealth transfer strategies or making up for a Social Security shortfall, annuities are invaluable tools for retirement. Schedule a call to see how we can optimize existing assets into a guaranteed income stream that can’t be outlived.

Ash Brokerage Ash Skyline Plaza Downtown Fort Wayne
My specialties
Ask me how we can help with
Tax efficiency

By shifting assets in your clients' portfolios, we can help avoid costly mistakes and stretch the money they worked a lifetime to earn.

Social Security

From basic questions to optimizing value, we'll help maximize one of the most important, yet misunderstood, tools in a retirement portfolio.

Guaranteed income

See how an annuity can create an additional income source that your clients can't outlive, so they can get the flexibility and liquidity needed.

Legacy planning

We can help make sure clients don't just live through retirement — they exceed their goals and leave something for the next generation.

Give me a call
(260) 434-9753