Protecting Business Owners with Disability Insurance

September 2022  |  34 minutes
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Disability insurance makes businesses stronger.

Business owners have a lot to think about. A sudden expense. An abrupt loss of an employee. Making sure the doors stay open.

If you approach these clients about disability insurance, it’s probably not top of mind. But with the right technique, you can create a market that positions you as a trusted expert, offers solutions to both owners and employees, and provides protection for their future.

Watch as we cover four important solutions for business owners:

  • Buy-sell options
  • Key person replacement
  • Business overhead expense
  • Business loan protection

Register now to make your business (and your client’s) stronger — and help put concerns to rest.

Tim Kukieza
Featured Speaker

Tim Kukieza is passionate about the income protection he helps to put in place. Tim knows whether you're an individual or a business owner, having DI coverage will dramatically and positively impact clients’ lives when they need it most.