Create Liquidity with Income Alpha
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Used properly, annuities allow a portfolio to generate more income while using fewer assets. Yet many advisors continue to shy away from using annuities, feeling that they weigh down a portfolio and limit liquidity.
It’s time to change that view. Watch to learn more about how the liquidity created by annuities leads to more opportunities to address the complex needs of retirement.
Using our exclusive JourneyGuide software, we’ll show you how to attract new prospects, grow your assets, and remain relevant in the greatest shift from the workforce to retirement. Get answers to these and other questions:
- How can I increase revenue while taking assets out of the account?
- Can I use the bucket strategy with JourneyGuide?
- Can I select the tax status and timing of distributions?
Used together, Income Alpha and JourneyGuide make it simple to show your clients how to succeed in retirement.
Mike McGlothlin, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, LUTCF®, NSSA® is a bestselling author, industry-renowned speaker and expert in growth strategies for financial advisors.
Today as the Executive Vice President of Retirement for Ash Brokerage, he leads 65 direct reports who have grown the business line to one of the largest wholesaling teams in the Brokerage General Agency space.
As a professional guide, he can help any financial advisor looking to create exponential revenue growth, to find new clients and better streamline their operations by incorporating simple methodologies and proven models.
Financial analyst. Private lending consultant. Sales and innovation leader. Gary has built a career on understanding where there’s an opportunity to improve a financial outcome. With 30 years of industry knowledge, he now leads the strategic direction of the JourneyGuide team, translating advisor needs into powerful features for retirement modeling.