We give you solutions in a soundbite. These short videos will help you break down complex topics into ideas simple enough that you can start a piece of the conversation – with your clients or our team. Browse the library then contact us to go deeper on how to apply an insurance solution to your business.

Long-Term Care
An Advisor's Story: How LTC PreView Increased Efficiency
Hear from your peer! Advisor Damon Strickland is no stranger to long-term care opportunities. But when he adopted Ash's LTC PreView prescreening tool into his process, efficiency followed. See why it helps get field underwriting right — right from the start.
11 minutes
Retirement Solutions
Bridging the Gap Between Early Retirement and Social Security
Delaying Social Security benefits can have significant financial advantages in the long run. For clients who want to retire early, annuities can serve as a powerful tool to bridge the income gap during the years you delay taking Social Security income.
3 minutes
Long-Term Care
What To Expect With LTC PreView from Ash Brokerage
Applying for long-term care insurance can be full of unknowns. LTC PreView helps you and your advisor get answers, right from the start — through a secure, online form. Speak to your advisor to get started so you can get the coverage you need at the right price.
2 minutes
Financial Industry
What To Expect After Submitting Your Life Insurance Application
Your clients signed a life insurance application. What now? This short, informational video will help them feel better and set expectations for the post-submission new business app process — so you'll spend less time answering common questions.
4 minutes
Disability Insurance
You Sold Term — Now Do This
DI addresses a life-altering event, not a life-ending event. Many advisors position term life insurance as income protection. See how to use the same logic to initiate an additional proactive conversation about protecting income in the event of a disability.
3 minutes
Long-Term Care
LTC Preview — Don't Guess. Know.
Field underwriting for long-term care insurance should always start with accurate information. The more we know upfront, the better we can quote a price and design a plan that will get issued. Get it right, right from the start, with LTC PreView.
1 minutes
Long-Term Care
Get Accurate Pricing and Faster Placement
If you are having your clients apply for LTC insurance without knowledge of their medical history, it's as good as asking a Magic 8 Ball. Ash's LTC PreView tool takes the guessing out of LTC underwriting and helps increase your odds of success.
1 minutes
Medicare Solutions
Comprehensive Solutions for Medicare
We know Medicare — so you don't have to. Clients nearing age 65 are bombarded with messaging about Medicare. Cut through the confusion and find the right solutions with our white-glove referral service or see how to get contracted to write your own policies.
3 minutes
Disability Insurance
The Experts on Income Protection
Income protection. Income replacement. Income planning. If you are creating sound financial portfolios to achieve long-term financial security for your clients, everything centers around their ability to earn an income. We're your partner to help protect it.
1 minutes
LI Client facing tax diversification
Life Insurance
Balancing Your Tax Exposure Using Life Insurance
Tax diversification is just as important as “beating the stock market.” In this example, see what it might look like if you only have nonqualified assets and how life insurance can help create a bucket of tax-free money to improve overall financial success.
2 minutes
Life Insurance
Ash Term Express - Express App
Regardless of whether you choose Instant Issue, Accelerated Underwriting or traditional underwriting, Ash Term Express makes the submission process easy. See how it guides you through the process based on client eligibility, without having to duplicate information.
3 minutes
Managing Your Cases Online
Look up current and past cases by status, see outstanding requirements, sort and export data.
2 minutes