
Find the best fixed or indexed annuity that you should be selling. Rates are key, but the carrier ratings, product features and overall service make all the difference. Use this weekly sheet to make the sale with our best-in-class annuity product picks.

Product Availability

Information is for reference purposes only, and not necessarily representative of actual products or carriers available for sale. Actual availability may be limited by your state, agency, broker-dealer or affiliated organization. Please consult your internal wholesaler, marketing representative, home office liaison or agency manager to confirm carrier and product availability.

Additionally, product information is compiled from carrier and industry data. It is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. All information should be verified prior to presenting to clients.

Important Disclosures

The information provided herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. Commission rates are subject to change without notice and may not be representative of the actual commission rate applicable for the indicated product(s). Commission rates are based on Carrier street levels and do not take into consideration potential reductions due to hierarchy structures and split agreements. For questions or to confirm current rates, please contact us.

Published: September 12, 2022
Tracking Code: 30000
Business Line: Retirement Solutions
Category: Product-Based Solutions
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