September 30, 2024
2:30 p.m.
October 1, 2024
7 a.m.
October 2, 2024
12 a.m.
Kristi Bell
Maria Sarci
Kim Carpenter
Tim Ash
Carly Rosswurm
Nikki Parker
Alicia Cervantes
Curtis Cloke, CLTC®, LUTCF
Jenny Crabill
Chris Kratzert
Steve Ziarko
Karysa Swackenberg
She Impacts
Innovate. Ignite. Thrive.
There is something about being together, in the same space, with a focused mindset towards thought leadership, innovation and building relationships. Ash Brokerage welcomes you to Fort Wayne this Fall to spend time with your peers while learning new ideas to help your clients succeed with their financial goals. We believe in uniting exceptional women in the financial services industry to create a community where ideas can be shared, best practices adopted and participants motivated by one another to enrich their practices.
Together we are changing the face of the financial industry by:
- Connecting with other women and developing strong, personal relationships
- Gaining insight to stay ahead of industry trends
- Learning innovative strategies that will help you attract new clients and grow your business
She Impacts is your chance to connect with other women in the industry, gain insight to stay ahead of industry trends and learn innovative strategies that will help your business thrive. We'll prepare you to leave confident to attract new clients, grow your business and create powerful relationships with centers of influence. And we know that the speakers in our sessions will give you the tools you need to walk away confident in your ability to create a thriving business. You can view the full agenda here.
Relax – as your partner, it's on us
Once you're registered, Ash Brokerage will make your hotel reservation and cover the cost of hotel nights on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Ash will also cover all meals and events listed on the agenda. See details in the FAQ.
Registration is limited to 30 advisors – so sign up today!
We hope you can join us to network, collaborate and push the boundaries of our evolving industry!